Nevada UFO Blog

The “Other” UFO Crash In Nevada

As some of you know from my last post, UFO lecturer Richard Doty recently went on the “Fade To Black” show with Jimmy Church. During the show, Richard made various claims about UFO crashes and he gave a description of a film he saw that showed the alien Bodies from the Roswell UFO in the…

Richard Doty And The 1953 Robinson Copper Mine UFO Crash

It recently came to my attention that a popular UFO lecturer, Richard Doty, was the guest on the “Fade To Black” show with Jimmy Church on 6/27/2023. I got quite a few emails from different individuals asking me to listen to that interview because Richard talked about a UFO crash at a copper mine that…

MO41: The Bombshell Before Roswell

As some of you know, on April 29 I’m going to be interviewing author Paul Blake Smith about his book “MO41 The Bombshell Before Roswell” about the 1941 Cape Girardeau, Missouri UFO crash on Bigfoots Pad LIVE! When I was trying to find more information on the event, everything that came up appeared to be…

Ely, Nevada UFO Crash – Setting The Story Straight

Greetings blog readers! I have some updates I wanted to tell everyone about myself and what I’ve been up to lately, but before I do that, I wanted to announce to everyone on here that I’m back to doing weekly media appearances on my very own YouTube show I started up recently with my brother…

The Strange Case Of Melting UFOs

As I’m writing and brainstorming for my upcoming book I thought of an interesting phenomena that was reported at one of the Ely, Nevada UFO crash sites as well as a historical alleged flying saucer crash from 1884. What would come to mind if I told you that there have been reports of flying saucers…

Flying Saucers Mining In Red Rock Canyon, Nevada?

I was going over my notes from some witness interviews I conducted in the past when I came across a peculiar sighting I thought I’d share with everyone. The interview I’m about to mention took place in 2016 with a resident of the small community of Blue Diamond, Nevada. Blue Diamond is a small village…

How Far Will The Men In Black Go To Keep UFO Witnesses Silent?

The story I’m about to tell is one that I don’t talk about very often because it deals with actual physical harm done to someone who handled the UFO wreckage from one of the Ely crash sites. I don’t get spooked very often when doing my research, but this story is a little too close…

The Secret UFO Incident Covered Up By The Military Near Las Vegas In 2016

As many of my blog readers may know, I try to focus the majority of my research specifically in the state of Nevada. I frequently receive emails from various sources telling me about mysterious sightings and other phenomena from around the Silver State. One of these emails is the topic of this week’s blog post…

Did A Flying Saucer Land Outside Of Las Vegas In 1998?

I was featured as the guest on Andrew Hall’s interactive show “Dead Hand” on April 27, 2021 and I was asked about a UFO encounter that I personally experienced back when I was a child that I’ve been thinking about and I thought I would share this with you all. The incident is amongst one…

Debunking The Armchair Investigators

So I was surfing the internet and I came across MUFON case #95617 from 2018. The submitting party, an individual from Battle Mountain, Nevada claims that they “solved the mystery of the 1952 Ely, UFO crash.” Their claims are 100% based on speculation with zero field research or eyewitness testimony. As an investigator that has…


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